1004 Graydon Avenue 
Norfolk, VA 23507 
757-622-5530 |  Map
Office Hours: 9am-1:30pm M-Th, 9am-12pm F

How to Give

Make a secure, online donation today through our giving platform with tithe.ly here.


Each week, when the offertory plate comes forward, the celebrating priest holds it up above the altar, a sign of offering to God. The gifts we put in the plate and the pledges we make throughout the year represent our acknowledgment that everything in our lives depends on God’s prior gift of life and grace. Active participation in the ministry and mission of St. Andrew’s – through sharing of time, talent, and treasure – is a tangible way that we can give back to God. In that sense, giving is a spiritual discipline, one that draws us closer to God.


Please consider making an annual pledge to support the mission of this congregation. Do not think of it as a fee for service but as something deeper, a symbol of faithful commitment and thanksgiving. Your pledge helps us craft our annual budget, which in turn helps us maintain our core mission and values to worship and grow together, care for one another, and reach out in love and service. Click here to make your pledge online.

Alternatively, you may click here to download a 2023 brochure and pledge card. You may return the card to us by mail or by placing it in the weekly offertory plate. Please note on the card if you require check envelopes, or if you wish us to utilize your credit card for recurring monthly payments.


Another way to support the mission of the church is by leaving a bequest or some other form of planned estate gift to St. Andrew’s. Making a planned gift is an additional and lasting way of giving thanks, and it helps ensure the continuation of the church’s mission for generations to follow.

The easiest way to make a planned gift is by making a bequest to St. Andrew’s in your will. The bequest can specify a set amount of money, a percentage of available funds, or some other asset. Unless otherwise designated, money gifted to St. Andrew’s would go to our Memorial Endowment Fund, ensuring its use for generations to come. Other giving options and designations are also available, and we would be happy to discuss those with you. More information can be found by downloading our brochure, A Legacy of Love: Opportunities for Planned Giving at St. Andrew's. Please contact the church office at 757-622-5530 if you would like to talk about making a planned gift.